Of course we all agree that the whole story of a depopulation agenda is a conspiracy theory, but if there were such a thing, I can only say they are making good progress!

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The term conspiracy theory was invented by the CIA to debunk anyone claiming the government assassinated JFK.

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I don’t agree that depopulation is a conspiracy theory but even if you believe that, virtually all of the “conspiracy theories” of the past 3 years are in fact spoiler alerts & not conspiracy @ all, other than a conspiracy to cover all of them up

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But who ever heard of conspiracies among the rich and powerful? Forbid the very thought, everybody knows they only want what is best for us.

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No. The depopulation agenda is as real as the poisons in those jabs. Knowledge is power, come smell the coffee, brother.

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While the UK media is obsessed with Harry and Meghan! Absolutely unbelievable what shills Western media have become. Shameful.

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"talking-head epedemiologists (sic) and virologists" - love it!

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Thanks, I've corrected it :)

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Canadian Mortality Surge: Year of the "Pandemic" Vs. Year of the "Vaccine"


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New Zealand had less deaths than normal in 2020 when lockdowns were in effect but I imagine being an island and having low population density has something to do with that. Lockdown also happened at the start of winter in nz so was in place for the normal flu season. Just before Christmas 2022 covid rates were high even though it was summer and there was talk in the media of it being just as bad as winter covid rates. Reinfection rate is about 30%. To me this points to a lot of immune system damage in the vaccinated considering we are in summer

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Consider that "Covid" is actually 5G.

Consider that while we were locked down in early 2020, all over the Western world, 5G was going up, towers and otherwise, and continue to be "planted," in so-called Smart meters and on light poles... This is some serious stuff... An attack on Humanity if ever there was one.

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I’m well aware of the effects of 5g as having fragments of metal peppered through my back makes me sensitive to 5g 4g and 3G. Even had to have the 5g power meter removed from the house in 2020 due to the symptoms it was causing. But I don’t believe that 5g is the virus. I do believe 5g is dangerous and will have a big effect on those who now have vaccine metals in their body.

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Okay. I can't make you think this or that. And sorry you have to deal with wounds that were from long ago. If the jabs are loaded with metals (they are) then imagine how 5G could be problematic. But 5G alone, forget metals, is dangerous and harmful... This is not conjecture, it's findable facts without having to look terribly hard, even with all the censorship.

And, just to poke you in the brain a little more, are you also aware that no virus has ever been isolated, in the entire world? Oh, people CLAIM they have, but... have they? If you look at what they call "isolation" you might question that.

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Yes they are problematic for the vaccinated due to metals in vaccines. I have a lifetime of experience with adverse events to metals. In vaccines and orthopaedic implants, dental work, metals in food etc. I’m aware metals are the cause of almost all I’ll health. And yes I believe 3g 4g and 5g are dangerous for healthy people too. I had a metal rod in front of my spine for 12 years in my solar plexus region. That gave me the ability to sense when a text or call was incoming on my cellphone even if I was asleep. If someone text me during the night I would always wake up about 5-10 seconds before the actual text notification would arrive and could quickly turn the volume off before the notification would go off. If affects me it affects healthy people too whether they are aware of it or not. I don’t believe terrain theory have got it all correct but I believe they are a lot more correct. But as with most big debates I believe the answer lies somewhere in between. This is what is happening from my observations and that viruses are real. A mixture of germ and terrain https://thestonetablet.substack.com/p/a-virus-is-no-threat

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I appreciate your comments, you seem intelligent and not "out for a fight." I have to stop for now, as I am trying to keep my time online to a dull roar. I would agree that we haven't come to some sort of "end" of learning about all these things, not by a long shot, I would say. But Terrain Theory and Germ Theory cannot co-exist, it's just not possible, not in any way I can see, at least. I'd be pleased to chat more with you, but for now I will say ciao, and I hope we can chat more sometime. Cheers. :)

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You see I already have the flu like symptoms of metal toxicity. I have for a few years due to an adverse event to back surgery. But a few weeks back I got a virus. I didn’t feel much different apart from the coughing and mucous in my lungs. My muscles were already sore and my lymph glands already swollen due to the metal toxicity. It’s now gone and I’m back to just having my normal symptoms which are flu like

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Bless your heart. xo

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Keep up the good work! I did a regression analysis of the relationship between excess mortality and booster rates in the 16 German states, based on Fabian Spieker's data (December 2022). Positive and significant correlation (Rsq = 0.29, p = 0.03). See equation below:

EM = -0.8401 + 0.1766BR where EM = excess mortality rate, BR = booster rate

Although it is dangerous to extrapolate, the negative intercept is interesting since it indicates that if nobody was boosted excess deaths would be negative, which is what we would expect with covid bringing deaths forward.

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That is certainly good news for the partially jabbed. Maybe the capability of people's bodies to detox these poisons is better than many of us have expected.

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Thank you for pulling this info together and speaking up.

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Excellent analysis, especially making note of the pull forward effect whereby a lower than normal death rate is to be expected after a period of excess deaths. Another consideration that can only be somewhat overcome by consideration of all cause figures is healthy vaccinee bias, vaccines typically not being given to those who are on death's doorstep, which inherently makes the stats for the unvaccinated cohort look much worse in any comparison.

Consider the following hypothetical scenario:

Group A: 100,000 person-years, 12 deaths = 120 deaths per million person-years

Group B: 100,000 person-years, 10 deaths = 100 deaths per million person-years

Looks like Group B did much better, right? Not so fast…

Say Group A included 20,000 individuals with very serious health conditions, 10 of whom died, but none of Group B were in such poor condition.

Then, among the healthy subset of Group A, we have only 2 deaths among 80,000 person-years, or only 25 deaths per million person-years, which corresponds to 1/4 of the rate for those among Group B of comparable baseline health.

All cause figures somewhat take care of that, because they highlight the overall effects on the population of a given event or mass practice. And since the COVID jabs have come out, the continued and even increasing excess death after a prolonged period of excess death is absolutely damning.

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‘why is MSM not blaring these figures!?’ Because they have more important things to report, like the latest from HRH The Ginger Whinger.

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The captured media isn't reporting on the depopulation evidence because those who own them want to assure that depopulation remains a "conspiracy theory". Anyone who calls them out on this will be labeled as a conspiracy theorist and referred to the Kaufman institute: See here for further info: https://t.me/scifiworld0/4884

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Edward Dowd and team report similar data for USA. They have also used Insurance company data.

Of course MSM silent. They are funded to only promote the side of the sociopaths hellbent on rolling out the great reset.

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Here's why, and let's just get this firmly planted:

1. MSM is NOT on the side of the People; they censor, they lie, they toe the line of the oligarchs.

2. What is happening is what was **intended** to happen, although it may well be that the death rate is lower than was anticipated by the Evil Ones. That doesn't mean we're out of the "woods."

3. There is more nefarious activity yet to come. The "Covid" fraud was a preliminary, a "softening," if you will, for what else is planned. That is an absolute takeover of our banking system, which is falling apart and festering as we speak. Fiat currency only goes for so long and then... financial doom. The Filthy Rich have been soaking us, globally, or at the very least, in the Western countries, the "Five Eyes," for a long time, and now that it's almost over they are desperate to soak it all up and somehow turn it into something real, but only for themselves. It's all just dream currency now, so... whatever.

4. We are now "descending into hell, and on the third day we shall rise again." So to speak. This year, or at least some of it, is going to be a bit rough, if not horrible, for some of us. But we will survive this and come out the other side, and begin to re-build. We have a DUTY to our species to remain POSITIVE, as in hopeful, defiant regarding oligarchy nastiness, and supportive of each other-- because this is the beginning of a better era, a step forward in our development as a species, and We Shall Survive, whole, intact, and as a community, made up of a whole lot of small communities. This is not going to be EASY, but nothing really worthwhile and lasting is ever easy.

In the words of Black Flag: Rise above, we're rise above!

So be good to your brothers and sisters, it's time to SUPPORT EACH OTHER. The enemy is not just these Evil oligarchs, but also negativity, hatred, intolerance. Ask for Divine Guidance. Keep your heart fires burning. We are ONE people. Be brave, be good, be strong.

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Great post, well stated. Though I question the notion that the death rate is currently too low for the liking of the cabal; because too many people may be noticing, imperiling the plausible deniability upon which the entire scam depends. A slower and less noticeable culling of the herd might suit their purposes much better.

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Thanks. I didn't mean to say the death rate is "too low," I mean that it's lower than the Bad Guys THOUGHT it would be by now. I wouldn't call it "low."

I think there's a very important element to all this, and people aren't necessarily seeing it, at least, not enough people, and that is that a) the chem trails continue, with their heavy metals, and the heavy metals react with the EMF's, which many people have been living with in their homes for years now, as in, WiFi, but ongoing erection of 5G towers and soon to come 6G, will be all that's needed to just wipe us out, easy peasy, and it will appear to be something else, ie, "Covid," which is still believed by many many people to be a virus that attacks and kills.

Until we can all see what is going on, clearly, we're a bunch of ducks, sittin' around, waiting for death.

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Indeed. There is quite the war on health going on. The irony is that "health freak nut cases" such as us will be the only ones remaining outside of the most rustic and the "elite". Might was be the chosen ones? Or perhaps better stated: self-selecting.

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I wonder how many are due to old people unable to afford to properly heat their homes.

It's said to be in the thousands each year in UK.

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Check the records for coldest temperature years and see if the relationship exists. Then see if you get a seasonal correlation with different countries. I think you'll still see a "strange" surge, BTJMO, I'm talking off the cuff because I'm busy looking at different data. But this problem is world wide, so we essentially need all hands on deck.😉😊

#citizenscience #getthedata #wearemany

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If these stats don't give you the shills , you are just a walking dead! The western world has fallen!

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A broad church indeed, but always be aware that as our numbers grow, we become a marketing opportunity for crystal ball gazers and pseudo scientists trying to jump on the bandwagon. Just saying. Be critical: be aware: open eyes!

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I'm following all cause data from all over the world and this is the same pattern.

I agree with TRM, re the 2015-2019 average comparison though.

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Hi BarefootHealer,

See my answer to TRM below. I don't think it makes much difference.

And it wouldn't affect my overall point that 2022 deaths are much higher than expected if the pandemic was really over and the vaccines were truly safe and effective.

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