Destatis/Genesis Table 12612-0103 (Annual births by Bundesland and citizenship) looks interesting in this context (mid-term trends vs recent developments). We will have to wait until it has been updated with 2022 data.

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If the trends remain or deepen for another year or so it will begin to become hard to recover from these drops. It is well worth watching so thank you for the data. It would be interesting to note historical population decline from other major population disrupters such as world wars and past pandemics (real ones.) The difference, here, is that these population disrupters remain disruptive so that a baby boom that normally follows such events might not happen if infertility is permanent. That is the final question with this. If so, we have a definite problem.

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Thank you. :)

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Thank you for collating this data and the analysis

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My only complaint is regarding the subtitle. (-> 2022) :)

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Soon these things will be undeniable. Soooo sad. Soooo wrong.

And already people are falling for more Divide and Conquer, on Substack, and elsewhere, falling prey ONCE AGAIN to the machinations of the CIA and the Evil Ones giving them orders... WILL WE EVER LEARN?? I don't know... Sure seems like the vast majority of people simply can't/won't consider how easily they are manipulated.

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